Climate Change on Biodiversity

Climate Change on Biodiversity

Nearly everyone has heard of climate change and its adverse effects: increasing global temperatures, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, etc. Less people, however, know about the more niche effects. In this article, we are going to be discussing one of these niche effects: climate change’s effect on biodiversity. Specifically, the nation of Sri Lanka is well known for having a […]

California Fire Season

California Fire Season

Climate change has created a new wildfire reality in California, and we are proposing the single largest investment in wildfire preparedness in our state’s history – $2 billion for emergency preparedness,” said Governor Newsom. “With new investments in state-of-the-art firefighting technology and equipment and a focus on building resilience through fuel breaks, forest health projects and home hardening to protect […]

Clothes Waste – The Silent Killer

Clothes Waste – The Silent Killer

It comes as no surprise humans throw away a lot of garbage. In fact, the average American throws away 81 pounds of clothes per year. In total, that’s 13 million tons of clothes thrown out per year in just America. These statistics make sense, as consumers throw away 60% of their clothes in the first year. Despite this, many Americans […]

These organisms might be the secret to solving food waste.

These organisms might be the secret to solving food waste.

With the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment, much attention has been drawn to the main causes of the emissions. With food waste being one of the largest polluting factors, it has gained a lot of traction recently. In fact, annually, 108 billion pounds of food are wasted every year. This food is sent off to the landfills where it […]

Solar Fuel

Solar Fuel

These days, most energy is created with fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Although most people are looking into traditional renewable energy such as solar and wind energy, there is another kind of energy called solar fuel that is also quite viable and it utilizes a process optimized a millennia ago: photosynthesis. The general of solar fuel […]

Paper or Plastic?

Paper or Plastic?

Imagine this. You are at a grocery store and the cashier asks you, “Paper or plastic bag?” You’ve seen all about climate change and the negatives of plastics online, so you raise your head and say with confidence, “Paper bag please!” You walk out of the grocery store, feeling like a champion. However, neither the paper nor the plastic bag […]

What Goes Where?

What Goes Where?

Everyone knows that they should recycle, but many are confused about how to go about recycling. The diagram above from the city of San Diego’s website clearly outlines where all different kinds of waste should be disposed of. However, every city has different guidelines and we suggest you go to your own city’s website to get more information. There are […]

A Letter to the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer

A Letter to the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer

Dear Mayor, Currently, global warming is the world’s largest threat, and many countries such as Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, and Singapore have long been taking action through increasing usage of renewable energy and promoting a circular economy. Despite the fact that the United States is at the top of the world in most aspects, we are very far behind in terms of sustainability. […]